The main purpose of this seminar,It is to provide a platform for communication among factory colleagues.,The semiconductor industry is already a booming industry in Taiwan,Many colleagues have joined this industry,When a new semiconductor factory is established, about 10% of the employees work in the factory and clean room units.。
A total of 221 people attended this seminar,in,There are 10 VIP guests、There are 57 academicians、There are 155 people in the industry,Participant type distribution,See the picture below
A total of 41 papers were published in this seminar,in,「Semiconductor industry air pollution control and emissions” There are 11 related papers、「Factory affairs related issuesThere are 10 papers on、「Clean room related issues” There are 10 related papers、「Carbon reduction and circular economy” There are 10 related papers。Sharing and discussion of relevant knowledge and experience are very lively,not just during breaks,The students actively communicated with each other;Pay careful attention when listening to the paper being published、Ask questions at the right time。In short,This seminar not only provided a rich and diverse knowledge feast,A colorful and rich dinner is also provided,The students were greatly satisfied physically and mentally。